柴油 < 2601 kVA
燃气 < 1183 kVA
柴油 < 202 kVA
柴油 < 42 kVA
柴油 < 2536 kVA
柴油 < 2579 kVA
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HS 系列
HI 系列
This canopy is 100% suited to stationary applications, including wider and removable doors to ease the tasks of cleaning and maintenance of the equipment. Including forklift pockets and a dip tray with the quality finish and details as the regular HIMOINSA standards.
One of the most competitive generators on the market in terms of quality, safety and performance.Find out more about the HS Range from 150 to 220 kVA
Forklift pockets are included as standard on the HS60 for ease of installation.
External access for radiator cooling filling.
For an easy and safe installation in case of requiring its manipulation by crane.
Achieves total thermal and acoustic insulation reducing the level of noise to the outside.
Located on both sides of the generator, the removable doors allow full access to the engine and alternator components for easy maintenance.
Anti-vandalism locks of high hardness and tensile strength with snap lock with key.
Treatment of steel sheets before painting process to improve corrosion resistance.
Dip tray for 110% of liquids and fuel tank with high autonomy. This prevents any spillage and contributes to respect for the environment.
Control and Connections
Available for external switching with different settings of control panels and power according to the installation's needs.
EXTERNAL ATSHIMOINSA Grid-Generator external switchboards that allow a fast response to the power supply to any grid failure. IP55 protection index that guarantees the level of tightness and insulation.
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